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KSL +: Breaking down the Utah legislature Tax Task Force's latest proposal
KSL Investigates: How Much Will Utahns Save In Tax Reform Proposal?
ALEC's Rich States, Poor States on KSL (NBC-TV) in Salt Lake City, UT
The Struggle of Utah's Working Poor: Food Tax Increase Proposal (4 p.m.)
Utah Tax Task Force tour
Former state representative leads referendum against tax reform bill passed in Thursday special sess
Utah lawmakers are discussing an increased tax on food. Here's what that means.
Americans for Tax Reform president in Utah to discuss local reform efforts
Utah's Morning News - December 18th, 2024
Utah lawmakers repeal tax bill
Lawmakers announce full repeal of tax reform bill following citizen referendum (5 p.m.)
Utah Legislature 2018: .05 DUI Law, Ballot Initiatives, Tax Reform | The Hinckley Report